The Let's Play Archive

MySims Agents

by Picayune

Part 111: Ep. 77: Stupid, Useless Jet


: Last time on MySims Agents: It turns out that Luke's surfboards were destroyed by an angry kraken! ... well, he was more 'grumpy' than 'angry', I guess.


Before Sam heads back to the beach, he packs the agents + witch off to the magical kingdom. Sam will be running Marlon's dispatch mission first, for reasons.

For excellent reasons!

The beach is much like we left it. Too much like we left it. No one has anything new to say. Finally, Sam does what he should always do: goes to confab with Buddy.

: Let's review what we've learned here, Buddy.

Yes, yes, and yes. But:

: I meant what we've learned about Morcucorp's activities on the beach...

: Oh, right. Sure thing, pal. I'm ready if you are!

: Yeah, let's figure this out.

: I'm with you, pal!

But we should figure it out somewhere away from the radioactive section of the beach.

Sam leads Buddy under the pier to the sailboat docks.

: All the pieces are starting to fall into place.

: They sure are, pal!

Sam turns to Buddy and starts ticking off points on his fingers.

: Mr. Suckers was angry because something was intruding upon his deep sea territory.

Or he would be, if he had fingers.

: Yuki sat up Morcucorp's muba shop as a front so she could operate her submarine at night.

: So Yuki is looking for something deep underwater in her sub.

I guess he'd panic!

But then it dawns on him, and he spins back around.

: Right. Would you put it on a ship and sail it somewhere far away?

: Sure, maybe, but after the ship arrived there would be records of the cargo and passengers, right?

: What if Cyrus and Dr. Gray tried to move the Nightmare Crown, but the ship it was on sank?

: We've got to find out what she's after.


Buddy and Sam run over to Dr. F.

: Dr. F! How's your day going?

Dr. F turns around.

Dr. F turns back to Sam.

: You can use TOBOR for your deep sea salvage. I specifically engineered him to operate remotely under several atmospheres of pressure.

TOBOR actually nods and looks pleased. Is this... is this okay?

: Wow! That's convenient.

: Not really.

Lengthy musical sting!

Everybody turns to look at TOBOR.

: Is he okay?


: ... it's so slimy.

You do that, Doc. You... do that.

: Thanks, Dr. F!

Suddenly, Dr. F gasps in realization.

: Wait! Where did I leave TOBOR's remote control?!

Dr. F digs in the sand at his feet. Sadly, his efforts are for naught; no remote is to be found. Dr. F sighs and slumps in defeat. I guess we have our work cut out for us!


: Next time on MySims Agents: ... kelp is pretty slimy, pal.